God's Grace and Obedience

His grace, his forgiveness, his sacrifice, is something we all take for granted, I know I do, I don’t mean to but I get caught up in my day to day life and take His sacrifice for granted, and each nail he took for me because of my sin. I know I am thankful, and blessed to have such a an amazing Heavenly father that did so much for me, and laid on the cross taking a nail for our sins. His grace and forgiveness is something more than we can comprehend. I am proud and blessed to have Him as my savior.

Recently, I have been feeling called to do many things such as blog, I feel as if God has been trying to tell me this is the mission field I need to face right now, but I keep ignoring him and disobeying his numerous callings, and incidents where HE has clearly showed me that this is what I need to be doing, I make up lame excuses like I have too much homework, It’s the end of the school year I will blog after the year ends, I need to study for tests, etc. NO! That is not what HE wants from me, he wants me to share with you and the world who HE is and all about the wonderful sacrifice he paid for us to give us grace. I have no excuse to ignore His calling to blog, when I am on the computer anyway, and I read my Bible and journal just a few more minutes to turn on my blog and type is nothing, compared to how much I write daily. This made me wonder why do we ignore HIS calling when HE shows us and tells us to live like HIM and let our lives reflect HIM. Jesus says this in Philippians 2 and tells us to imitate Christ’s Humility. “Have the mindset of Christ” “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5) vs. 13 states “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose” TO HIS PURPOSE, Our Father is working through us and using us to be a light in others lives. Our Heavenly Father chose you and I specifically to make this world a better place. Even when we have too much homework, or would rather watch television or be on Facebook and you know specifically that God is wanting you to do something but you just ignore it and make a lame excuse, I have been there multiple of times but let’s face it HE clearly tells us to “do everything without complaining or arguing…” (Phil. 2:14) For example, the other day my mom asked me to clean the dishes but soon as she asked me I immediately allowed myself to go into my mood where I argue and say I have too much homework, and I just don’t do it. But NO, I should have taken the time and wash the dishes when she asked me so nicely she does so much for me, why do I need to complain or argue.

Though we all make mistakes and choices that we want to forget, but if it was not for HIS GRACE, we would not be here today. HIS grace is the healer of our souls. We are forgiven and loved not its our turn to be a light in others lives and do what HE has called us to do. Why, preach what we say to everyone if we don’t act upon it. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses, when we make up random excuses to do things we know we need to do something, I know that I feel terrible and I couldn’t figure out why I was so down. Ignoring God’s obedience was only pulling me away from God not drawing closer, but now that I have finally after several weeks of thinking about it and have finally had enough of acting like I was okay I surrendered it all and received HIS grace.

I hope you learned something from my long post today, I felt as if this needed to be done a long time ago but I finally gave in and had had enough of living in the dark. As, I close I thank the Lord for giving me HIS grace and allowing me to have the wonderful friends I am blessed to have today, I don’t deserve the friends I have but I know HE put them in my life for a reason and purpose. I pray, for everyone who reads this and for my fellow mission team mates health, preparation for the fabulous journey we are preparing to encounter in the coming weeks, and lastly I pray for the health for everyone especially two of my dear friends who are dealing with heavy medical battles right now, I know that our Daddy up above will hold you dear and I pray that He will heal you both and that HE will give the strength and focus in the doctors taking care of you both, and know that in the end of this battle you will only become stronger. How may I pray for you this week?

Have a wonderful week everyone!

In Christ,



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