The Precious things in Life

I have not posted anything in quite sometime, over a year to be precise. But recently, I have been convicted to start blogging again. That is my promise to myself and to y'all. I will catch you up on what the last year has brought to me but my first post will be about one of the few stories that has convinced me. This one put the final seal on what I have been thinking about for quite sometime.

Life is precious, life is sweet, it is something that we treasure and in some ways take for granted but have you ever thought that some people might not think that way?

We cry, we run, we fall, we laugh, we have time where we feel like we are on top of the world; no matter what challenges we face in life we are not alone.

Recently, I have been in first hand experience which I never thought God would put me in at an early age. After I saw the movie To Save a Life, I wanted to do something about the people hurting in this world especially at my school where I feel it is my mission field at this point of time in my life. I never would have thought that God would put such a similar experience in my school setting. This past Thursday a young man at my school took his life, not in a way that many people would think… he hung himself... he was found by his mother when she came home. The boy took his life because he felt he was alone and thought no one cared about him; he left two notes and also people say and so does the letters say that he did this because he was having family problems, girl problems, he was thinking about dropping out of high school and felt he was worthless and not needed anymore. I had the boy in my class last year, I was polite and kindly said hello when he was at school I never thought he would do such a thing. I wish I had gotten to know him better or at least did something besides the occasional hello. The point is that after having someone in my school take their life, God has put on my heart more than ever to do whatever I can at my school to be the light HE wants me to be and make a difference. I have been doing that but I know I can do more than I have I can stay in my History class when my work is finished and talk to others instead of rushing to go to the yearbook room. Though I hardly knew Jose but I had seen him around it touched me and I want to make a difference. There is nothing worse than taking your life away, no matter how bad things in life maybe you do not need to take your own life. If we ever feel like someone is having issues we are afraid to say anything to our teachers but don’t we will not be “snitches” if you are just trying to save someone’s life. You maybe afraid if you tell that you might lose your friendship/relationship with that person, but don’t that is a risk that you should be willing to take. Someone DOES care about you and most importantly God does too. I don’t understand why God did this but the only thing that I can think of is a wake up call for me to know that people our still hurting and I need to get out of my comfortable circles of friends at school.

You many want to refer back to one of my first post about to Save A Life for more reference. But, if we just let those who are hurting rot away there goes another chance of sharing the Gospel with HIS Kingdom. It breaks my heart to see someone hurting so lets go outside of our own shell and go sit with someone you don't know. Make a difference in someones life you never know what will happen. You do not want the situation that I have been faced with. It hurts and makes me wish I had done something. Though I know I can not help the world but at least I can start with one person.

This was one huge wake up call and I hope that you personally will seek out to those in need. Here is some advice I read the other day on the To Save a Life facebook page: "You can't always control the wind, but you can control your sails." - Anthony Robbins
In life it is inevitable to run into tough situations, mean people or frustrating events, but how you react in those moments shapes not only who you are, but who you become.

That is absolutely true, you can not run away when something happens you just have to take whatever the situation is at hand and do what is best. HE places things in our lives for a reason even the things that hurt most, I hope this has sunk in to your souls. There is a reason and purpose for everything, no matter what you maybe going on personally in your life have faith and trust in HIM there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. He is guiding you step by step in yhis hand and will not let you go. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." (James 1:17) In my case, I believe God's enemy caused this bad thing. God does allow us to go through many trials. I ask God to have mercy on this boy and for his family to be comforted.

Sorry for the rambling I just have this on my heart and need to share it. I will be posting again this week.

Psalm 9:9 “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.”

Isaiah 58:6-10

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 “See, I set before you today life and prosperity death and destruction.” “For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will love and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.”

John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”

Have a wonderful day & week!
In Christ,
- Katy


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