What if...?

60 seconds, one short minute,
60 seconds, is all it takes to share your story to change others, lives,
60 seconds.... will make such an impact to many known to man, many you will never meet, or know you made such an impact on their life but it takes courage and a leap of faith to share your story, but think of the impact it would make,
children dancing in the reain with a smile on their face, drinking fresh water in third world countries by the impact of a story a friend made on someone,
people helping our troops even if they aren't connected to the military,

What if...someone heard your story and created a non-profit organization helping orphans in Europe? What if...? What if...? two small words stike a whole new world, what if your story helped someone to stop a deadly addiction to drugs? Just what if...? what if..? Two words that can be hard to wrap your mind around to just comprehend. What if? Someone took 60 seconds to hear your story, and led them to Christ follower of the One and Only Lord Jesus Christ, maybe not Christ but a life transformation to live a better life. There are so many what if's but it can just take one minute of your entire day thats only 60 seconds out of 86,400 seconds in 24 hours! Think of how just one small minute of your story could change the world. Just one small thing can make such an impact its time for a change in the world it begins with just one person and spreads to others bit by bit the impact can be shown, but if you don't take that risk or leap of faith the news will not be shown.

its just 60 seconds to help change one life... the world for HIS glory in HIS kingdom the magnitude is huge.

Many people are afraid to take that jump of faith and go but what if... you did, what impact would that make? I mean think about it we say the words what if..., if only... all the time but its time for a change, I mean you say no why would I share something but I am afraid and my friends will share it.. NO! Don't think that way allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone and just share, something small, each difference and impact you make on someones life will just build up and make a huge impact. But what if... you could help the change world. It starts with one person and spreads to others bit by bit...starting with you then to everyone else. What if? This world could be better...its starts with one person and that one person could be you.

Do you want this world to be a better place, to have a greater impact?

More posts to come on my trip in the Kingdom of the Lord! :)


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