Trust the Sunrise

Seasons. Seasons of waiting, seasons of transition, seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow, seasons of going with the flow. But, then there are seasons of unknowns. Recently, I have happen to read posts by friends who have been talking about seasons of transitions and new seasons of life, not only that but everywhere I turn it seems as if I hear something about Waiting, the unknown whether it maybe a blog or a conversation it's that time of year where people are talking about it. Some people maybe graduating others starting new jobs or anything in between, but whatever that maybe there is always something new. Recently, I have been placed and the season of the unknown, but isn't life full of the unknowns? In times of the unknown I have been learning that you can not just sit there and do nothing but embrace the chance and be you.Enjoy the life that you have been given, there is no reason just to sit around and 'wait' for an answer, but to embrace it, try something new whether a new adventure or something as simple as spending the quality time with family that has been much needed. I admit, yes there have been times that I have sat here just waiting and spending my time on social media and Netflix, but it gets to a point where you get so bored and you begin to question why you doing such thing. Be yourself venture out, there maybe things holding you back from doing some things but there is never a point where you just can't do anything. Whether its talking to a long time friend, writing a note, baking, running, spending time with family, whatever it maybe simple or small there is always something. Through the times of waiting, there is time to discover who you are and the people around you. As I have been learning no matter what it is there is joy in this season as well as joy on the other side. But, what is life without being patient and waiting, you need this time to discover and find who you are, you never know what is on the other side.

Many people growing up have heard at some point that there is a reason for everything, we may not know why, but there is, and that could not be more clear in Ecclisastes 3. Not only is there a reason for everything there IS a season and time for each and every movement, occasion, action in life. Patience is hard, espcially in this season but I have found myself actually enjoying this time of the unknown. We tend to joke about the fact that if we ask for patience we will definitely recieve that opportunity more than we have ever expected to be patient. Yes, Ecclisastes is probably the most common book about seasons and different timing, but this summer I have challenged myself to dwell in this book and especially in chapter 3. There is a time for everything, yet it is in HIS timing not our own, which is the hardest thing to understand at sometimes but when that waiting season is over I know that it came at that specific time, and wonder why I ever questioned it. Yet, that is human nature. Waiting is a process, but embrace the before, the after and especially the during.

A verse that I have clung too and have been meditating on during this time:

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." - Ecclesiastes 3:11


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