Growing in A way never expected

So this week has been a struggle to say the least. It doesn’t matter what trials face you need to remember he is there with you. So I have been getting really jealous at my 9 year old brother who will be 10 on Monday because I used to get all the attention all the time. Ever since we adopted him last year I have had to adjust, It is a lot harder than it sounds because it’s not like “O were have a new child” its like for fourteen and a half years it has just been me my mom and dad and then the day my dad comes home from the airport with my brother and it hits me. As he is turning 10 on Monday, it has come to made me to realize that we need to be greatful for what we have. He had to take care of his self from the age of 2 to the age of six when he went to the orphanage but he still had no REAL model to look up to. Can you imagine not having your parents to talk to when you need them to? Or even wondering where your going to sleep tonight? Or how am I going to survive? I have realized that I know the streets and villages of the Ukraine are a completely 360 degree change from the United States suburbs and where we live but my brother had to go alone without even knowing who God was. It is amazing what our God does for us. I was talking to my brother last night and he just looked in to my eyes and said “Thank You for everything you have done for me this past year.” I started crying he went to each of my parents as well. That is not like my brother to just say something to someone unless asked to. That really touched my heart.

So today is just a chill day around my house and a day that I really need to think and just get caught up and have quite time. So I woke up around 8, woken up by my lovely brother and was up for about an hour cleaning then I decided to take a nap for about two hours which I did. I fell asleep just thinking and processing my week and last night, and one that really hit me was that I can make a change and start Saving a Life. If you haven’t seen To Save A Life I 100000% recommend you go and see it. It is one of the most epic movies of all time it is just any ordinary movie it is a movie that changes your life and put things into a different prespective. The main character Jake, grew up and was best friends with this kid name Roger and then in ninth grade he decided to not hangout one night and that was it. Roger thought he wasn’t worth it and he thought no body cared about him so he decided to kill himself at school. That hit me long and hard I realized there are several people I have done that to I may not go to their highschool but one in particular lives next to me and I feel that I need to make it right and the bad part was I saw this movie last Saturday night as well and this particular person came to Real Life on Sunday and I completely ignored it. After seeing this movie again I really came to the realization it doesn’t matter what others say CHANGE IT AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Go sit with people in your youth group at lunch and talk, don’t just act like you are a follower of Christ. BE a follower and live like it. Share his word at school don’t be scared it’s okay no matter if you’re the only one from your youth group that goes to your school you can still make a difference don’t just make an excuse to go sit somewhere alone go sit with others and share the word. Even if you don’t like that go from table to table to ask people how they are REALLY DOING. It makes a BIG difference.

God is amazing and you cant say that enough!!!!

So, I kept thinking and then my brother came into my room when I started to read one of my Christian novels, and he acted like he wanted me to read or something because he was bored. I said, “This book is too hard for me to read to you go get one in your room that you would like me to read.” He nodded but before he left my room he asked “What type of book were you about to read?” I looked puzzled wondering why he would ask but thought there was a good opportunity coming and in the making so I said “a Christian book about God and a high school girl and her relationship with Christ” he smiled ran into his room grabbed a thick medium sized book and I saw it was a Children’s bible. I had a huge smile across my face because my brother hasn’t been able to realize really the concept of God because he has been trying to just get the concept of what America is and the heritage, society we live in. So I read him a few stories then he asked “What is one of your favorite stories?” I started to cry because that meant so much to me I didn’t really know if he was even listening or just wanting the attention of me reading to him. It didn’t matter I chose one that was simple for him to read it was Jesus Feeds 5,000 from Matthew 14, Luke 9, John 6 I read and explained about the 5 loafs and 2 fish and my brother started asking me all these questions about how God was able to feed 5,000 men from only that small amount of food. I was so happy and it really showed me that maybe now he starting to understand this whole God concept maybe not ready for excepting but especially just being thirsty to see who he is. This morning was a CRASH MOMENT for my brother and I. I say that because I have always been afraid to share the Gospel but after yesterday showing someone and sharing how they can be LINKED in with Christ with my carabineer and then this morning it SHOWED me I REALLY can do this and God has helped me change and I have been growing with him these past two weeks. Also, my leadership skills have grown and it has been amazing what God has shown me I can do this with HIM!!!


  1. yay Katy!!! i'm so proud of you and thankful that God has let you grow so much! God is working through you so much to bring your brother to Him, i saw that last night and through this blog. Keep running, dear. God will take care of you and will lead you in His ways :) <3


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