Week 1- Overview (part 1)

This past week has been completely unexpected. Sorry for not posting much, but I have been writing and journaling on my own. Trying not to get on the computer too much.

But, lets say these first 10 days here in Russia have been great. Nothing, that I ever thought I would do but discovering new ways to serve is something that I have had to learn. We have been sightseeing with natives, Russians are quite proud of their country and that is one way to connect despite the language barrier. Not only that but going to Russian class at the local university has been quite an adventure. The university is on the other side of the city from the church so making the hour long trek can be an adventure in itself. But the people here at the church are more hospitable than I could ever imagine excited for us to serve and to love them. As well as teaching them English as they teach us Russian which can be qutie an ordeal a typical short conversation can take twenty minutes than when you communicate to an another American. I am enjoying it here as we prepare to go to a devo tonight for the church, but at the same time I miss home but its still quite a joy. Seeing the beloved Mother Russia is quite a sight.

We have been able to see Red Square, a Christian bookstore, a Russian McDonalds, yesterday we attempted to go to the Donosyk Monestary but come to find out we went to the cemetry which we thought was the monestary ( on the same grounds though). We have also been to Christ the Savior temple, and on Monday we went with Nikita to Gorky park and come to find out Will Smith and his son we're there too! There we had different types of chai. I had puet which is pine cone tea, which is quite strong and different from anything I have had but for someone who like chai it was pretty tasty plus extra vitamin C.Not only have we seen a lot of sights but through it we have been fellowshiping with the church and getting to know the members one on one, it is just an outreach to see things because they enjoy showing us their beloved city.

---making this quick but will post more this evening.


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