Day 6 & 7 First Weekend Mother Russia!

Day 6: Saturday 24 May 2013- HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTA! J I didn’t forget even if I am half way across the world. You are now 18 bright and full of joy, I love you dearly my sister! Our first Saturday in Moscow consisted of going to a Christian Store with the director and his wife, along with Anna (who speaks English, French and Russian)  Which was also on the other side of town but we enjoyed this store and the unique magnets, but we went to pick up some things for the Childrens party coming up this weekend. After we went to the store we were all pretty hungry after walking a long time and nothing really to eat in our systems. So we ended up passing a McDonalds, thus our first McDonalds in Russia was consumed.  But here many people eat outside which was quite nice, some different types of burgers and apparently more healthy.. (Oh Darn Americans..) I have never been a McD’s fan but of course I ate some fries and nine chicken nuggets. I had to indulge on this American ‘delicasy’ that these Russians adored… But after that we parted from the director and his wife who came back to the church to help set up for a different celebration of one of the members spiritual birthdays. During that time though, the six of us plus Anna ventured out to the famous New and Old Arabat streets. A famous street here in Moscow designed for walking and full of art and entertainment, with stores too. I had to laugh when I saw pink berry, Dunkin’ Donuts, Wendy’s and some other famous American food places. But, of course there were also the famous Russian ones with blini and other Russian cuisines. That evening we went to a park full of crows before heading back to the church to celebrate Sarogay’s spiritual birthday. Something about here that I truly admire, the celebration and fellowship of ones’ birth is something that they love. Which we gave him a Russian book that we chose at the Christian store with the help of the director.

Day 7: Sunday 25 May 2013. Our first Sunday here in Moscow, consisted of church that  began at 1130am and the service finished around 1245pm. But, no one left until about 5 pm since people come from all over Moscow, there is prayer and fellowship that brings everyone together. The service is pretty much like services in America but with prayer as one body at the end also they split women and men to have prayer groups so each person can pray about their specific needs. After the big meal and fellowship around 5 oclock about 7 others plus the team of six were still here at the church. Thus, the game of ‘Crocodile’ as they call it here or in other words Charades were performed. I can not ever remember the last time I played charades for four hours and having that much fun. Russians vs. Americans, as I type this I am laughing back on those memories what wonderful time. I really enjoyed that. Around 9 oclock we finished playing and I went with Steph to the northwest side of town where she had  been staying with a woman of the church in her apartment, she had gone on vacation this week so Steph stayed and I joined here there until yesterday (Wednesday) which then we both came back to the church to stay.


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