
Agape. Agape means love.

The root of the tree begins with love. That is what I have learned in Thailand. People going out of their way with their passion to help you. Blessed beyond words with such opportunity to meet Sak and so many others.

Thailand was full of new experiences, since I decided to wait awhile to blog I will give an overview:
 1.  if you thought shopping in America was an experience, come to Thailand. Shopping is absolutely crazy. I have never been a big shopper but I had the experience to go to the worlds largest outdoor market when we first arrived. (Chetachek) I have been to flea markets and tourist markets from travels and at home but nothing like this. It was crazy but good.
2. Floating markets. Ever thought what it would be like shopping on water with hundreds of boats going every which way in a narrow canal? Tasting exotic fruit.
3. Seeing the Grand Palace & riding Tok-toks. The palace is where the monk lives and for special occasions. Tok- toks are one of my new favorite types of transportation! Three wheel motorcycle things. What fun!

4. Barge museum- the king and queens boats for special occasions and how they get around. But not during the rainy season.

5. Ventures down to HUA Hin  the beach in Thailand.

6. Hiked erawan waterfall!!

7. Rode, drove, and bathed with elephants!!!!

8. Crossing the Thailand an Cambodia border (special post coming!)

So much more! And more to come. Going to write more later.

Now to a new day in Cambodia. Thank you for patience on the blog I haven't done as much as planned but I will continue to get better!



-Mattew 7.


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