Be Still and Know! Russia Overview 2013
This summer I had the incredible time to intern with a wonderful group of people in Russia. So, here is my late post about my overview and they are being sent out to many friends and family. So thank you. Now, as I am in Japan with my school studying abroad the more impact of how this year has blessed me and I have grown into a stronger person has continue to blossom. I would not be able to be where I am today without each of you.
Friends, family, supporters, my
brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for praying, supporting me and
allowing me to have an experience of a life time, that has taught me more than
I could every imagine.
Eight months ago after lots of
prayer and discussion, the Lord led me to begin a journey that would change my
life. Two weeks ago, the main part of that journey ended, now here I am completing
that journey and asking God to lead me in His path. That journey was to go
across the pond, to a country that had caught my attention ever since I was ten
years old. I have had my ups and downs but when God brought to my time and time
again at Harding in the fall semester, I knew I had to listen to HIM. Not to go
by the plans I had for my life, but what HE had for me. So, thus began a long
process of preparation and prayer for six and a half weeks in the Land of
Russia. Five other students I joined in together and had been prepping for our
time together overseas, not only to discover through our time there that we
became a family. We embarked on the journey together across the Globe to serve
the country that God had placed us in. Not, only to discover that He sent us
there to serve, but to learn and to be blessed. Through my journey with my
relationship with the Lord, I have had my opportunities of questions and
serving Him in various places. To be honest, when I went to Russia I knew I had
been called for a reason, but at the same time a part of me wanted to discover
the part of my brother, and so many others in my life have come from. Yet, God
had different plans and opened my eyes to a whole new world. God has shown me
how to love. The value of family. No matter how busy you are or the fact you
travel all around the world. Family us second most important besides HIM. His
love and death on the cross only symbolizes the sacrifice HE made for us. And
through my time in Russia that is one thing the Lord truly showed me. The
people may not always have their immediate Bilogical family around them, yet
they have their brothers and sisters in Christ to build them up and show them
Christ love. Testimony after testimony I can share about different things in
Russia. From a sister waking up at r in the morning to meet six tired and weary
college students at the train station full with breakfast plus showing a friend
that they met around in Moscow. No one asked her yet she showed Gods simple
love, from hosting us into your homes, taking us out to see parks, discovering
things you may have never seen. It would be later to realize that losing a job
was a blessing in disguise, and that could only come from our Father alone. The
Lord showed me incredible things, and all I can do is keep growing in HIM and
see what is next.
Until next time. I will wait for
HIS hand to show me the plans as I trust in HIM.
In HIS Name,
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