Break my Heart for what breaks yours.

Lord, break my heart for what breaks Yours, bring me to eternity.

Sunset from Bayon Temple

That is exactly what I have been able to experience the past few days coming to a country, that has a clear line of poverty and wealth right in front of our eyes, has allowed me to have another glimpse of life, first hand, how blessed we truly are. I may have thought I had seen things growing up, but seeing the children in Cambodia, laying on the streets begging for food, running after you as soon as you step off the bus until you are out of sight, begging for some sort of money or food, has brought a much more clear understanding to my eyes. While I have been here I have been able to stay in some of the nicest hotels I have ever stayed in, eat some of the nicest and elegant meals that I have had in quite sometime, as well as portion sizes.

 Then, as I sit at the table from afar you see children looking at plates around you full of uneaten food, some of these children have some ragged shorts held up by a stick, and probably have owned a shirt in their life. Today, a friend and I had the opportunity to change that. My heart was calling at lunch and I knew I was being called to do so, which my friend and I combined gave him a shirt and shorts, as well as a box of food, the joy on that little boy’s face was something that will never leave my heart. We may not speak the same language, but I know he was thankful for what he had been given. Lord, my heart breaks but I know I can not solve every problem, so Lord I pray for guidance as I continue to serve You, Your way. As I continue my time here in Cambodia I know that I will be working with orphans, and seeing things I don’t normally see, so Lord I pray help me to serve as you serve and love as you love.
I know sometimes as Americans, and I know I am also selfish sometimes as well, I don’t want to give what is on my back even if I say I will, today, I was faced with such a situation (extra clothes in my backpack), you never know what you will see, but I have truly been reminded that blessing someone has left a greater reward on me than myself buying something.  What I have learned and continue to learn is how appreciative and blessed we are with such. As I continue to learn and experience on this journey, I pray that my heart, eyes, ears are continued to be opened in ways I may never thought.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ “- Acts 20:35

Blessings to you!

Until next time,



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