I have been blessed with the opportunity of a lifetime to study abroad with Harding University in Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand for three months.

July 2012, I stood on the campus of Harding University looking at the opportunities for international programs. I thought I would go to HIZ (Zambia) or HUG (Greece), but then the Lord put the position on my heart to go to Russia to serve the people of the Mother Land. Never, in my entire life would I have dreamed that I would have such an opportunity to study abroad as well in the same year.  After months of prayer and decisions, the Lord challenged me and placed the opportunity to attend HUA this fall. So, in October of 2012, I switched from HUG to HUA. After a time of a lifetime, in Russia (post to follow)

I am preparing to leave in 2 DAYS!!! I will leave from IAH on Sunday, and then fly to Seattle and my group and I will leave Monday and head to Tokyo. God is so good, and HE continues to amaze me every day, through this journey I will be posting about my time abroad and asking for encouragement, prayers and love as I go to where HE has called me to serve and learn.

Ready to live my life serving HIM, and see the world with each opportunity presented! AHH!! 

Tickets are here!!

The verse that has kept me going in this time:

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 

Where you go, I will follow.

Trusting HIM,



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