The Children of Light: Serving Cambodia- Part 1
Children of Light
Sometimes, you don’t realize how truly blessed you are until
you are placed in a situation that really puts you in a place to assess how
thankful you truly are. The past several days, time and time again the Lord has
put what literally feels like a continuous rushing wind, in my life. The storm,
of reminders and opportunities to serve. Ever since I could remember serving
others, is something that I truly have enjoyed but having the opportunity to go
into the Cambodian country side, in the unreached villages through a program
called Snack Pack which is part of the GRACE project, serving orphans and
malnourished kids in rural villages, daily. Our day started after about an hour
and a half to the rural villages outside of the city, I had heard stories from
other students in the past years how much they had enjoyed working with the
Snack Program, but did not realize that the entire day would be filled with
such emotion and love.
Serving the children specially made peanut butter on bread
with custly made soy milk which is a supplement for the children, many of them
only knew very few words of English, and I among with some of the other group
members knew very little Commai, but recognized a few of the Thai words as
well. When we arrived the children were separated into very delicate lines,
welcoming us with such joy and love. The children came wearing all that they
had, although since they knew it was a special day, many put on their nicest
outfit possible, but to an American or others, a two-piece matching pajama set
would not be nice clothes, but to them that was all they had, and honestly to
me I just smiled and was warmed at the fact they dressed nice clothes to see
some Westerners. Playing and serving kids was nothing new to me, but just being
around in the village and honestly not knowing a word of Commai (except thank
you) was at first quite difficult for me but I used my hands and other ways of
After the snack pack program, we headed back into the city
and went to the ‘inner city’ to work with kids at TinyToons. TinyToons, is a
program for ‘inner-city’ or underprivileged children in Phenom Phen, who may be
victims of broken homes, alcoholic families, gang violence, may not have enough
money for uniforms for school. This program was created about seven years ago,
by an American hip-hop dancer. Not only does this program, teach hip-hop style
dancing, but teaches English, commai, math, reading and just basics of life.
When we walked in the room and I saw the tile, with a glass
mirror, and foam padding on one sight of the room I laughed at myself, because
I knew they were going to make us dance. My first thought. I don’t dance. And
if you ask a friend or anyone in my family, I can get by, a little but when it
comes to the big picture, I am just not the best at dancing. Especially
hip-hop, its always fun to do such with my friends and home but we just make a laugh out of it. Although, honestly, this time I did better
than I usually do, haha even according to the group lol Haha, watching our
group dance was fun and we all realized
how much we truly missed dancing or just getting a jam on since we had been
Part 1 to be continued...
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."- Ephesians 5:8
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